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2024高考英语常考短语 高考英语短语词组汇总

发布时间:2024-02-15 12:47:44 54次浏览 来源:
最近经常有小伙伴私信询问2024高考英语常考短语 高考英语短语词组汇总相关的问题,今天,小编整理了以下内容,希望可以对大家有所帮助。 英语中按动词后可否直接跟宾语,可把动词分成及物动词和不及物动词。
不及物动词:字典里词后标有vi. 的就是不及物动词。不及物动词后不能直接跟有动作的对象(即宾语)。若要跟宾语,必须先在其后添加上某个介词,如to,of ,at后方可跟上宾语。具体每个动词后究竟加什么介词就得联系动词短语了.

appear ,Appear calm
come ,Come easy (safe)
go ,Go mad (crazy, bad, sour, wrong, crazy, hungry, blind)
get ,Get angry (ill, wet, excited, married, paid)
fall ,Fall asleep( fall ill, fall short, fall flat)
feel ,Feel good (sleepy)
keep ,Keep quiet (silent)
look ,Look fit (well, young, tired)
make, Make certain (sure, ready, a good teacher)
prove ,Prove an effective method (correct, accurate)
remain ,Remain still (unchanged)
rest,Rest satisfied (content)
rise, Rise red
seem ,Seem happy
stand ,Stand still
stay ,Stay young (stay fresh, the same)
turn, Turn teacher =become a teacher (yellow)
turn out ,Turn out true

Look carefully! (注意:carefully 是副词,不是名词,故不作宾语)
look at 看…….+宾语 Look at me carefully! (me是代词,作宾语)
(at是小范围 in是大范围)
如:   The students work very hard.学生们很努力地学习。
She apologized to me again. 她再次向我道歉。
The accident happened yesterday evening.昨天晚上发生了事故。
1)及物动词 后面必须跟宾语意义才完整的实义动词,叫做及物动词(transitive verb)。如:   I believe that the committee will consider our suggestion.我相信委员会将会考虑我们的建议。
“How long can I keep the book ?”Harry asked.哈里问:“这本书我可以借多久?”
2)不及物动词 本身意义完整后面不须跟宾语的实义动词,叫做不及物动词(intransitive verb)。如:   Birds fly.鸟会飞。
It happened in June 1932.这件事发生于一九三二年六月。
My watch stopped.我的表停了。
She spoke at the meeting yesterday evening. 她在昨天晚上的会上发了言。
3)兼作及物动词和不及物动词 英语里有不少实义动词可以兼作及物动词和不及物动词。这样的动词又有两种不同的情况:
Shall I begin at once?我可以立刻开始吗?(begin作不及物动词)
She began working as a librarian after she left school.她毕业后当图书馆管理员。(begin作及物动词)
When did they leave Chicago?他们是什么时候离开芝加哥的?(leave 作及物动词)
They left last week. 他们是上周离开的。(left 作不及物动词)
Wash your hands before meals.饭前要洗手。
Does this cloth wash well? 这布经得起洗吗?
4) 与汉语的比较 有时英语动词的及物和不及物的用法,与汉语的用法不一样,请注意下列两种情况:
We arrived at the railway station at noon.我们于中午到达火车站。(at不能省去)(比较:We reached the railway station at noon.)
Everybody listened to the lecture with great interest.每个人都很有兴趣地听讲课。(to不可省去)(比较:We all heard the lecture.)
Do they agree to the plan?他们同意这个计划吗?(to不可省去)
b)有的动词在英语里能用作及物动词,而在汉语里则不能用作及物动词,如serve为…服务。   Our children are taught to serve the people wholeheartedly.我们的儿童被教以全心全意为人民服务
He reached Paris the day before yesterday.
Please hand me the book over there.
They asked me to go fishing with them.
类似的还有:buy, catch, invent, found, like, observe, offer, prevent, promise, raise, find, forget, receive, regard, see, say, seat, supply, select, suppose, show, make, take, tell....   b.主要用作不及物的动词。不及物动词后面不跟宾语。只能用于:"主+谓"结构。
This is the room where I once lived.
类似的还有:agree, go, work, listen, look, come, die, belong, fall, exist, rise, arrive, sit, sail, hurry, fail, succeed....
c.既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动词,其意义不变。如begin 都是作"开始"讲。everybody , our game begins. let us begin our game.
类似的还有:start, answer, sing, close, consider, insist, read, learn, prepare, pay, hurt, improve....
这类动词作不及物动词是一个意义;而作及物动词时却是另一个意义。如lift作不及物动词时是指烟雾的"消散"。we saw the mountain when the clouds lifted. 作及物动词时是"升高;举起"。   He lifted his glass and drank.
类似的还有:beat vi.跳动 vt. 敲、打; grow vi.生长 vt. 种植   play vi.玩耍 vt. 打(牌、球),演奏 smell vi.发出(气味) vt. 嗅   ring vi.(电话、铃)响vt.打电话 speak vi.讲话 vt. 说(语言)   hang vi. 悬挂 vt. 绞死 operate vi.动手术 vt. 操作
需要注意的一点是:少数不及物动词唯一可跟的宾语是同源宾语,如:I dreamed a dream last night.


高考中能用到的英语语法和各语法的学习思路或方法 还有盈余作文中的套话语句

1) 一般形式:He decided to work harder in order to catch up with the others.
被动形式: He preferred to be assigned some heavier work to do.
语法功能: 表示与谓语动词同步发生
2) 完成形式:He pretended not to have seen me.
被动形式:The book is said to have been translated into many languages.
3)不定式充当名词功能---To see is to believe.
1)感官动词 see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel
+ do 表示动作的完整性,真实性;
+ doing 表示动作的连续性,进行性
I saw him work in the garden yesterday.
I saw him working in the garden yesterday.
" 感官动词后面接形容词而不是副词:The cake tastes good; It feels comfortable.
2) 使役动词 have bid make let 等词后不定式要省略但同1)一样被动以后要还原to
I 'd like to have John do it.
I have my package weighed.
Paul doesn't have to be made to learn.
3) help help sb do help sb to do help do help to do
want,wish,hope,manage,promise,refuse,pretend,plan, offer,decide,agree,expect allow sb to do, cause sb to do , permit sb to do, enable sb to do
force sb to do. be more likely to do love to do warn sb to do be able to do
be ambitious to do. begin to do . start to do
We agreed _______ here,but so far she hasn't turned up yet.(NMET
A.having met B.meeting meet have met (Key:C)
五) 有的时候to后面要接-ing形式
accustom (oneself) to; be accustomed to; face up to; in addition to; look forward to; object to; be reduced to; resign oneself to; be resigned to; resort to; sink to; be used to; be alternative to; be close/closeness to; be dedication/dedicated to; be opposition/opposed to; be similarity/similar to.
三、need/want 后的-ing形式具有被动的意思。其中,want不太常用。
He needs (a lot of) encouraging.
二. 动名词: 具有动作性特征的名词
1)是名词 seeing is believing
2)具有动词性特征可以带宾语 starving troops is necessary.
一般形式:I don't like you smoking.
完成形式:I regret not having taken your advice.
被动形式:This question is far from being settled.
二) 动名词常考的点
I would appreciate_______ back this afternoon.(MET 1992) to call call calling're calling(Key:C your calling 也对)
I regret not having taken your advice.
admit; appreciate; avoid; celebrate; consider; contemplate; defer; delay; deny; detest; discontinue; dislike; dispute; enjoy; it entails; escape; excuse; explain; fancy; feel like; finish; forgive; can't help; hinder; imagine; it involves; keep; it means; mention; mind; miss; it necessitates; pardon; postpone; practice; prevent; recall; report; resent; resist; risk; suggest; understand...
it's no good; it's no/little/hardly any/ use; it's not/hardly/scarcely use; it's worthwhile; spend money/time; there's no; there's no point in; there's nothing worse than; what's the use/point...
remember, forget, try, stop, go on, cease, mean后面用不定式和-ing形式,意义截然不容。
I remembered to post the letters. (指未来/过去未来的动作)
I remembered posting/having posting the letters (我记得这个动作)
forgot remember的用法类似。
I regret to inform you that… 我很遗憾地通知你…
I regretted having left the firm after twenty years. 为了"二十年前的离开"而遗憾。
try to 努力 You really must try to overcome your shyness.
try -ing 试验 Try practicing five hours a day.
I mean to go, but my father would not allow me to. [打算、想]我想去,但我父亲不让我去。
To raise wage means increasing purchasing power. [意味着]赠加工资意味着增加购买力。
3 分词:
1)一般式: Do you see the man talking to the dean(主任)? (与谓语动词同步发生)
2)完成形式:Not having made adequate preparations, they failed. (发生谓语动词之前)
3)完成被动形式:Having been adapted, the script seems perfect.( 发生谓语动词之前且表示被动)
1) 过去分词表示被动:Fight no battle unprepared.
2)过去分词的进行形式:You'll find the topic being discussed everywhere. (强调正在被做)



一、用"情态动词+have +done"结构表示对过去动作的推测,高考试题中常用过去时态或过去的时间状语给以暗示。情态动词的这一用法可以用 "对立统一"来概括。

must have done:
表示对过去动作的肯定推测,常译作"一定做了……",只能用于肯定句中。其否定形式为can't/couldn't have done�
疑问式为Can/Could...have done?。
could /might have done:表示对过去发生的动作的可能性推测,常译作"可能做了……"。如:
1) My sister met him at the Grand Theater yesterday afternoon, so he
_____ your lecture. �(上海 2000)
A. couldn't have attended
B. needn't have attended
C. mustn't have attended
D. shouldn't have attended
2) Jack ____ yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me. (上海'97
A. mustn't have arrived
B. shouldn't have arrived
C. can't have arrived
D. need not have arrived (C)
2.当试题的前后句在动作和意义上构成转折关系时,常借助"but, however, instead"等词来表示过去的动作与客观事实不符,这时我们就可以用"对立"关系来解决这样的试题。这种结构常见的有:
should have done / ought to have done:表示过去本应该做某事而实际上没有做。
should not have done / ought not to have done:表示过去本不应该做某事但事实上却做了。
" 最自然的虚拟状态:由should/would+原型时态(不含时间只含状态)
一些常见的句型中,就会出现这种虚拟语气,而处于从句之中,should 常常被省略掉
o suggest, advise, propose, recommend, plan;
o demand, order, direct, arrange, command, decide;
o require, request;
o think, expect, believe, insist, suspect.
It's suggested that…
My suggestion is that…
The only suggestion that...
The only suggestion I can give you now is that…
important; necessary; essential
It's natural ; strange; incredible that
a pity; a shame; no wonder
? 由lest, for fear that, in case 引起的从句中多使用should
" 表达与事实相反
1. 与现在相反:使用[过去时]:
I wish I were not here! (一般现在'一般过去)
Suppose we were not here.
He loved me as if I were his own son. (一般现在'一般过去)
Hope I weren't always losing things! (现在进行'过去进行)
If only/If I hadn't been there! (现在完成'过去完成)
What if I hadn't been waiting right here! (现在完成进行'过去完成进行)
常考句型:It's (high) time (that)…; would rather (that)…
2. 与过去相反:过去完成时;
3. 与将来相反?将来的事情没有发生,所以只能推测且实现可能很小
I wish he could not smoke any more.
不过,由于可以用be to表示将来;所以,虚拟语气中经常出现were to;也是CET-4的常考语法点。
" 虚拟条件句
o if 部分,做一个与事实相反的假设(所以只有一般过去和过去完成)
o 主句部分,这是表示基于这个假设的推测,一般使用情态动词would,少数情况下使用could/might/should。
o 注意:两个部分之间,是有逻辑关系,而在两部分的谓语动词时态上,没有必然的联系。
" 注意,虚拟条件句中的if可以省略,造成were/had提前,产生倒装。
" 隐含的非真实条件 :由特殊的词给出条件: with, without, in , but for, otherwise, or
How could I be happy without you? In his shoes, I would kill myself.
But for the storm, we would have arrived.
1. 主谓一致(与插入语无关)
n. + together with n2
as well as
along with
with / of
accompanied with / by
4就近原则:n1 or n2 +v(就近原则)
either n1 or n2
5可数n1 and 可数n2+v(pl)
不可数n1 and 不可数n2+v(pl)
例外:war and peace is… war and peace是一个整体
The iron and steel industry is very important to our country.
The head master and mathematical teacher is coming.
The head master and the mathematical teacher are coming.
类似的还有:law and order bread and
butter black and white
To love and to be loved is …
A lawyer and a teacher are…
A lawyer and teacher is …
6随后原则:not A but B / not only A but also B+v.(与B一致)
7百分比结构:most , half , rest , some , majority , one+persent
a)There be +n 由名词决定动词
b)Among , between等介词位于句首引起倒装结构:
Among / Between …+系动词+n. (由名词决定动词)
The good is always attractive.
10 To do/doing/主从+vs
*More than one+n
many a +n.
a day or two
1 全部倒装
是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有:Up went the plane = the plane went up.
1) here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run。
2) 表示运动方向的副词(back, down, off, up)或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。
注意:1) 上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能倒装。Here he comes. Away they went. 2) 谓语动词是be的时候,不能倒装。 Here it is. Here you are.
3) 形容词短语/分词短语位于句首,引起倒装
*typical of characteristic of
*coinciding with + n
4) 表示地点范围的介词短语位于句首,谓语动词为系动词,一定引起倒装
*常考介词要倒装:among between in at beneath
常考的系动词:be lie exist remain rest
1. 否定 adv 位于句首,引起倒装:not only, not until, hardly, scarcely,
seldom, rarely, no sooner…than
1) not until + 时间 + 主谓倒装,not until + 句子+主谓倒装
2) only+状语位于句首
only +ad. eg: recently
prep.短短语 eg: in recently years
从句 eg: when clause
3) 在比较级结构中,than后面可以倒装,也可以不倒装。
部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。
? 1) Neither, nor, so 表示前面句子的共同否定或者肯定,产生倒装,一般主动词提前,谓语动词的其他部分就
4) as / though引导的让步从句必须将表语或状语提前 (形容词, 副词, 分词, 实义动词提前)。
as〔让步〕虽然,尽管〔词序倒装。语气比 though 强〕。
Successful as he is, he is not proud. 他虽成功,却不骄傲。
Women as she is, she's every brave.
Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.
注意:A) 句首名词不能带任何冠词。B) 句首是实义动词, 其他助动词放在主语后。如果实义动词有宾语和状语, 随实义动词一起放在主语之前。
5) 其他部分倒装
a) so… that 句型中的so; such… that句型中的such位于句首时,需倒装。
So frightened was he that he did not dare to move an inch.
b) 在某些表示祝愿的句型中:May you all be happy.
c) 在虚拟语气条件句中从句谓语动词有were, had, should等词,可将if 省略,把 were, had, should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。Were I you, I would try it again.
? 名词性从句' 主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句
? 形容词性从句'定语从句
? 副词性从句'状语从句
" 常考的关系代词:that; which; who/whom/whose; where; when; what; as。
" 常见的同位语从句现行词(that之前的抽象名词):fact, idea, news, hope, conclusion, evidence, opinion, problem, thought, understanding…
" 常用的引导词
o 时间状语从句:while; when; before; whenever; as; after; till; until; since; once; ever since; as/so long as; as soon as; no sooner… than; hardly… when; scarcely/barely… when; the moment/minute/instant; on (the point of) doing…
o 地点状语从句:where; wherever
o 原因状语从句:because; since; as; seeing that; considering that; now that; in that; for fear that; lest; owing to the fact that; because of the fact that; due to the fact that…
o 方式状语从句:as; as if; as though; how; save that…
o 比较状语从句:as; than; as… as; not so… as; hardly… than;
o 结果状语从句:so that; so… that; such… that; so as to…
o 条件状语从句:if; unless; in case; so long as; so far as; provided/providing/that; supposing; granted/granting that…; giving that…
o 让步状语从句:though; although; even if; even though; whether; as; however; no matter (what, how, when); for all that; in spite of the fact that; granted that; regardless of the fact that…
o 目的状语从句:that; so that; in order that; lest; for the fear that; in case…
which 引导的定语从句结构
2)in which+完整的句子
3)名词+of which+谓语动词
of which来修饰名词,名词在定语从句中作主语,所以后面直接跟谓语动词
I have five books three of which are borrowed from Mary.
4)介词+ which +to do 其功能相当于定语从句。
The key with which to open the door is lost.
1. 如果that / which在定从中作 宾语,可以省略.
sub+vt+n+(which / that)+sub+vt
*当做题时,若发现两个名词在一起,但是似乎连不上,则一定省略that /
the way (in which) + 句子
the reason (why that)+句子 均为完整句
the time (that / when)+句子
I do remember the first time (that省) I ever heard the sweetest voice in the world.
By the time省that+句子,句子。
即:which be , who be , that be可同时省
第一、特定的状语从句引导词:although though even though when while if as
indeed的确, surely无疑, however然而, obviously显然, frankly坦率地说, naturally自然, luckily (或happily) for sb.算某人幸运, fortunately幸好, strangely奇怪, hone stly真的, briefly简单地说等。
1. Surely, she won�t go to China Telecom with you.
2. Strangely, he has not been to China Unicom. Still more strangely, he has not called me.
3. Fortunately, I found the book that I�d lost.
true真的, funny真可笑, strange to say说也奇怪, needless to say不用说, most impor tant of all最为重要, worse still更糟糕的等。
1. Strange to say (或True), he should have done such a thing.
2. Most important of all, you each over�fulfilled your own task.
in a few words(或in sum, in short)简而言之, in other words换句话说, in a sense在某种意义上, in general一般说来, in my view在我看来, in his opinion(judgment)按照他的意见(判断), in conclusion总之, in summary概括地说, in fact事实上, in the first place首先, in addition此外, of course当然, to our knowledge据我们所知, to my joy(delight, satisfaction)使我欣慰(高兴、满意)的, to their surprise(astonis hment, amazement)使他们惊奇的, to her regret (disappointment)使她遗憾(失望)的, for instance(或example)例如, as a matter of fact事实上等。



汉语博大精深,往往几个字,一个词就能表达无穷的意境,但如果在翻译题中遇到了这些词汇,我们该如何翻译呢?接下来是我为大家整理的2020高考 英语 短语 词组汇总,希望大家喜欢! lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

2020高考英语短语词组汇总一 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

可接双宾语的38个常用动词 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(1)双宾语易位时需借助介词to的常用动词 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

awardsb.sth.=awardsth.tosb.颁奖给某人 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

bringsb.sth.=bringsth.tosb.把某物带给某人 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

handsb.sth.=handsth.tosb.把某物递给某人 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

lendsb.sth.=lendsth.tosb.把某物借给某人 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

mailsb.sth.=mailsth.tosb.把某物寄给某人 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

offersb.sth.=offersth.tosb.将某物给某人 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

owesb.sth.=owesth.tosb.欠某人某物 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

passsb.sth.=passsth.tosb.把某物递给某人 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

paysb.sth.=paysth.tosb.付给某人某物(钱) lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

postsb.sth.=poststh.tosb.把某物寄给某人 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

readsb.sth.=readsth.tosb.把某物读给某人听 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

returnsb.sth.=returnsth.tosb.把某物还给某人 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

sendsb.sth.=sendsth.tosb.把某物送给某人 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

sellsb.sth.=sellsth.tosb.把某物卖给某人 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

servesb.sth.=servesth.tosb.拿某物招待某人 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

showsb.sth.=showsth.tosb.拿某物给某人看 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

takesb.sth.=takesth.tosb.把某物拿给某人 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

teachsb.sth.=teachsth.tosb.教某人某物 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

tellsb.sth.=tellsth.tosb.告诉某人某情况 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

throwsb.sth.=throwsth.tosb.把某物扔给某人 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

writesb.sth.=writesth.tosb.给某人写信 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(2)双宾语易位时需借助介词for的常用动词 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

booksb.sth.=booksth.forsb.为某人预定某物 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

buysb.sth.=buysth.forsb.为某人买某物 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

choosesb.sth.=choosesth.forsb.为某人选某物 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

cooksb.sth.=cooksth.forsb.为某人煮某物 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

drawsb.sth.=drawsth.forsb.为某人画某物 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

fetchsb.sth.=fetchsth.forsb.为某人去取某物 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

findsb.sth.=findsth.forsb.为某人找到某物 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

fixsb.sth.=fixsth.forsb.为某人准备某物 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

getsb.sth.=getsth.forsb.为某人拿来某物 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

makesb.sth.=makesth.forsb.为某人做某物 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

2020高考英语短语词组汇总二 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

1.answers for 对……负责/担保;保证(某事)良好;承受…的结果 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

2.ask for 请求、寻找、要求见某人 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

3.break down失败、落空、毁掉、拆除、损坏、瓦解、崩溃、粉碎、分为细目 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

4.break in训练、驯养、闯入、破门而入、打断、插嘴、开始使用 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

5.break out发生、爆发、逃出、突围、由贮藏处取出使用、突然说出[发出、做出] lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

6.break up停止、散开、拆开、(完全)分解、分成小块、结束、(学校期末)放假、衰弱、(精神)崩溃、解散、使哄堂大笑、打断、破坏、断交、绝交、破裂、(天气)突然变化 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

7.bring out揭露、显示、解释、说明、出版、演出、使罢工、使免除、使开花、说出、暴露、诱导、引出 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

8.bring up养育、提出、教养、提升、开赴前线、[俗]呕吐 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯 for对…需要、要求、提倡、去接某人、去拿某物 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

10.carry away运[搬、带]走、水冲走...、[一般用被动态]使着迷、使陶醉、使神魂颠倒、受感动、使失去自制力、(风暴)刮断...、赢得(奖品等) lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

11.carry on继续开展、进行下去、经营、处理 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

12.catch on[口]投合人心、受人欢迎、理解、明白、抓住、流行起来、找到工作 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

13.come on突然产生、进展、生长、发育、、偶遇、跟着来、开始、出台、(运动员的上场)快点、赶快 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

14.come up走近、上(楼)来、(从土中)长出、发芽、被提出、流行起来、进城(尤指去伦敦)、上升、抬头、[俗]呕吐、快!(驱使牛、马行走或前进时的吆喝) lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

15.cut down砍倒, 胜过, 削减, 删节、压缩、缩短 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

16.cut in插嘴, 插入, 把...插进 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

17.cut out删掉、停止、戒掉、不吃、(机器)失灵、(自动)关掉、剪下来、剪裁、切除 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

18.cut through穿过、穿透; 克服; 避开; 不理睬; 剪断、简化 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

19.cut up切[破]碎、使难过、使痛苦、歼灭(敌兵等)、砍[割]伤、[口] 吹毛求疵 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯 to指路、针对、把(注意力、精力)贯注在...上 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

21.fall down跌倒; 倒塌下来、[口]计划不切实际、失信; 没有完成或履行诺言 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

22.fall over落在...之上、脸朝下跌倒、极力/急于做 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

23.find out找出, 发现, 查明(真相等), 认识到, 想出, 揭发 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

24.get across使通过、讲清楚、使人了解 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

25.get along过日子、过活、相处、进展/步、[口]走开 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

26.get around走动、克服困难/障碍等、避开(规章等)、传开 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

27.get away(使)摆脱、(使)离开、无视、对...置之不理、(把某人[物])从...争取[吸引]过来 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

28.get back for回来、取回 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

29.get back from从…回来/返回 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

30.get down to开始认真考虑、着手办理(某事) lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

31.get in进站、到达、回来、收集[割]、请...来做、加[插]入、进入、(使)陷入、(使)卷入、 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

32.get off下来、下车、起飞、(动身)离开、不受惩罚、被放过、脱下(衣服) lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

33.get on with继续(做某事)、与...和睦相处 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

34.get out of下车、走出、离开、摆脱、从……得到、改掉(习惯)、取[拔、弄]出 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

35.get over越[爬]过、克服、忍受、复原、痊愈、完成、走完、[口]忘记 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

36.get through完成、及格、到达、通过、用尽[完]、打通(电话) lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

37.get together收集、积累、聚集 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

38.give away背弃、出买、泄露(秘密)、暴露、散掉、给掉、赠送、分送、颁发、放弃、牺牲 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

39.give in 屈服、投降、退让(to)、交/呈上、宣布、发表 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

40.give off(散)发出(蒸气、烟)、发散(光线) lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

41.give out用完、用尽、散[分]发、公布、发表、精疲力竭、失灵 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

42.give up 放弃、停[中]止、让[交]给、投降、认输、泄气、泄露、说出 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

43.go by (从...旁)走过, 依照, 顺便走访、时间过去 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

44.go out出去[国]、(妇女)离家工作、辞职、退职、下台、(灯、炉火)熄灭、不再流行、(衣服样式等)过时、参加社交活动、交际、出版、罢工、失去知觉、入睡 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

45.go over越[渡]过、走完、转向(to)、改变立场、车(翻倒)、复习、(仔细)检查、审阅、研究 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

46.go through经历, 经受, 仔细检查, 用完, 被通过,搜查, 履行 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

47.hand over移交、让与 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

48.have on穿戴 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

49.hold on to紧紧抓住(尤指坚持不放)、不放弃、不送掉、不卖出、控制、克制、 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

50.hold up举起, 支撑, 继续下去, 阻挡, 拦截、抢劫 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

2020高考英语短语词组汇总三 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

高考英语词组用法:not only…but also…的用法 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

not only…but also…,其意为“不但…而且…”: lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

Not only men but also women were chosen. 选中的不仅有男的也有女的。 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

He not only read the book, but also remembered what he read. 他不仅读过这本书,而且还记得书中的内容。 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

【注】该结构中的also有时可省略,或与but分开用,或用too, as well代之(位于句末): lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

Not only is he funny, but he is witty too [as well]. 他不但风趣,而且也很机智。 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

若连接两个成分作主语,其谓语通常与靠近的主语保持一致: lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

Not only you but also he has to leave. 不只是你,他也得离开。 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

2020高考英语短语词组汇总四 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

turn的词组 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(1) He was poor but proud and turned down every offer of help.<拒绝接受> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(2) The campers usually turned in as soon as it got dark.<上床睡觉> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(3) The teachers have to turn in the reports at the end of the school year.<上交> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(4) The examination turned out(to be)easy.<结果是,最后情况是> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(5) Bob turns over most of the money he earns to his mother.<移交,交给> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(6) The car struck the wall and turned over.<撞翻,翻倒> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(7) He turned over in bed.<翻身,翻转> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(8) Please turn over this page.<翻过> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(9) The missing boy turned up<出现> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(10) If you have some questions,you can turn to your teachers for help. lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

<求助于> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(11) Mozart's music always turns me on/off.<使感兴趣/使不感兴趣> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(12) She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood.<转身不看> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(13) Because the hall was full,many people were turned a way.<撵走> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(14) turn a blind eye to/on<视而不见> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(15) turn a deaf ear to <充耳不闻> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(16) turn about<向后转> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(17) turn against<反对,背叛> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(18) turn back<返回,折回,使往回走> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(19) by turns<轮流> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(20) in turn<一个挨一个地又(对别人)做同样的事> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(21) take turns<轮流(做某事)> lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

(题组训练) 同义词 组替换: lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

65、I have waited for him for hours but he hasn't ________________ (appeared)yet. lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

66、His invitation is ________________ (refused). lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

67、If you don't know the words,you can ________________ (refer to)a dictionary. lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

答案:65、turned up 66、turned down 67、turn to lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

2020高考英语短语词组汇总相关 文章 : lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

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★ 关于2020年高考英语短语的重要固定搭配短语盘点 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

★ 2020年最新高中三年的英语短语大全 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

★ 2020年最新的高考英语中的词组固定搭配分享 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

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★ 高考英语高频短语汇总 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

★ 2020高考英语词汇汇总 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

★ 高考英语短语大全 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

★ 高考英语高频词汇词组2020(3) lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯

★ 2020年高考英语知识点汇总 lEn知多少教育网-记录每日最新科研教育资讯



本文链接:高考英语常考短语 高考英语短语词组汇总

